Myanmar says it is not working on nuclear arms

Maj. Sai Thein Win who was trained by Russia for Myanmar Nuclear Program
Maj. Sai Thein Win who was trained by Rus­sia for Myan­mar Nuclear Pro­gram. @DVB
Myan­mar has no finan­cial means to develop nuclear weapons, a senior Myan­mar envoy says so. That Myan­mar sup­ports global non­pro­lif­er­a­tion is very impor­tant to hear from the lips of a Myan­mar official.
It is all right for the U.S. to keep watch over coun­tries to see to it that nuclear weapons are not devel­oped to cause destruc­tion to our only earth.
Let it be on record that Myan­mar rep­re­sen­ta­tive to the IAEA, Tin Win, told an Inter­na­tional Atomic Energy Agency meet­ing Wednes­day that his coun­try is a firm sup­porter of a nuclear weapons-free world. Whether Myan­mar has the eco­nomic strength to develop nuclear weapons or not is not the issue, but Tin Win is now say­ing that Myan­mar does not want to develop nuclear weapons because it is destruc­tive to the world.
But to be always wary of nations who think they can con­quer the world by hav­ing nuclear weapons is an impor­tant respon­si­bil­ity of West­ern nations. Lead­ing groups like the IAEA should sup­port the U.S. and other first coun­tries to police the envi­ron­ment and to help it remain a nuclear weapon-free world.
It is com­fort­ing when a nation says that it sup­ports global non-proliferation, but the sur­veil­lance over these nations still have to be pur­sued. The fore­go­ing is sourced from AP and Reuters.
Myanmar says it is not working on nuclear arms Myanmar says it is not working on nuclear arms Reviewed by သစ္ထူးလြင္ on 22:19 Rating: 5

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